San Jose State volleyball player Blaire Fleming had 15 kills in Saturday’s game, bringing Fleming’s season total to 252. A kill is defined when a player’s attack is unreturnable by the opposing team and results in a point. While 252 kills is not as big a deal as some might think, she has done this despite 7 teams forfeiting against her Spartans. And the reason they are giving, if they give one at all, is they believe Fleming is transgender.
The accusations have flown only this year though. And many media outlets keep reporting it and won’t refer to Fleming by her name and only call her a trans player. They talk about her height, how strong she is, and how intimidating she looks, and sadly many make references to her looking “manly’. But as the old saying goes, “the story sells.” and whether true or not they get the hits and so do their advertisers.
Fleming is a redshirt senior who before moving to the Left Coast played at Coastal Carolina. She is from Aldie, Virginia, a small village an hour east of Washington D.C. She graduated from John Champe High School where she set the school record with 30 kills in a match and a single-season record with 266 kills. She has been with the Spartans since 2022 and has done an amazing job.
No one in the past ever accused her of being trans. No one ever said a word until the rumors started this year. Many say she dominates because she is really a man but if that was the case then why is she not ranked in the top 50 players in the NCAA with kills? The top leader has 549, yet no one accuses her of being a man. Fleming is 6’1″ tall yet there are many volleyball players taller than her including several on her own team. The media accuse her of taking advantage of the lower net (men’s volleyball nets are 7 1/2 inches higher) yet again, why doesn’t she lead the NCAA? Even if she had not been injured (she missed a few games) and the 7 teams didn’t forfeit she would still not be leading the league in kills.
There is much controversy behind the scenes and the team is doing its best to not let it affect the girls on the team and the school. The mainstream media keeps spewing these rumors without proof. Fleming nor her family has ever admitted it. There is no birth certificate showing she is not female. And it’s very rude to say she looks manly. Sometimes people don’t know that the words and hate they bring against someone can cause great harm to others, both physically and mentally. Until there is 100% truth and proof other than internet rumors let her team be and let Miss Blaire Fleming excel at the game she loves and leave her alone!