Ada, MI. – It was an unseasonably hot day at Forest Hills Eastern High School where the state of Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) Division 2 track championships were being held. But that did not deter Chelsea senior Jacob “Jake” Nelson from competing his hardest as usual throughout the day. The sun beat down on him as he took his mark for the 100-meter event and when the gun went off he was off rolling down the track, hand over hand, as he rolled over the finish line with a new personal record of 27.28 and setting a state record.
Jake, who competes in the adaptive wheelchair division, competed in three events. He competed in the 100, and the 200, and threw the shot put. He got his personal record and a state record in the 100 and set state records for his other events.
Jake, who was born with spina bifida, has competed in track since middle school when he used to run with his crutches or sticks as he calls them. But now at the level he is at now, he is required to have a special wheelchair. And although he has not had it long he has learned to handle it very well.
In the shot put, he has to sit in a special adaptive chair. The crowd helps to motivate him as they cheer and clap in rhythm for him. And in spite of the 90-plus-degree weather, which Jake is not fond of, he throws as hard as he can and he was close to his pr but it was enough for another state record. The crowd went crazy with much elation as his distances were announced.
The final event for Jake was the 200 and he set himself up in lane 4. When the gun went off he took off as his father Dan watched him go. He had great control as he went into the turn staying in his lane and rolled hard to the finish line. As he crossed the line in front of the cheering standing-room-only crowd, his elated biggest fan, his mother Marijane ran up to him to congratulate him on such a great job. Jake was disappointed because he was two seconds off from his pr but his time of 57.71 was enough to set another state record, his third of the day. Jake was the only athlete to earn three medals on the day.
Jake and his parents do not let his handicap hold him down and they are very encouraging to him and supportive of him. He not only participates in track but he also is on the Chelsea Bowling team. He also participates all over the country in other events including snowshoe racing. Jake can usually be seen in his black and white referee shirt and with his yellow penalty flag which he takes everywhere as he loves reffing sports. He is very popular and knowledgable and can be seen reffing lacrosse, football, water polo, and even umpires softball games!
As they announced Jake’s name and presented him with his three medals, the crowd was cheering loudly but no one ever cheers louder than his mom and dad. Also on hand for this historic event in Jake’s life were his older sisters Madison, who came up from Dallas for this, and Danielle who with her husband Alex made the long trek from Connecticut just for Jake. Also driving a long distance was his friend Pastor Vanessa Veach.
It was a great day for all involved and Jake was very proud of the achievement he worked hard for. After the meet, he headed with his family to get his favorite food, chicken nuggets from Mcdonald’s, with no sauce. And Jake hopes to be able to participate next year but he hopes it’s not so hot!